Practical Implementation of Automation Using Ansible

Harsh Agrawal
2 min readDec 29, 2020


On 28th December, 2020 I have attended an online demo session delivered by industry experts Mr Sreejith Anujan , Principal Instructor Redhat and Mr Arun Eapen , Director — APAC Service Delivery, GLS Redhat Asia Pacific .

I would like to give thanks to our mentor Vimal Daga sir and Preeti Chandak mam and whole LinuxWorld family to arrange such a wonderful sessions on Industry Use Case On Automation Using Ansible — Demo (practical implementation). I would also like to request to Vimal Sir and mam to conduct more such beneficial session for the students.

I the session I have learnt lot about Ansible, Ansible tower and some of its industry based use cases

For knowing more about ansible you can read my Article

Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks with reduced human assistance. Any industry that encounters repetitive tasks can use automation, but automation is more prevalent in the industries of manufacturing, robotics, and automotives, as well as in the world of technology — in IT systems and business decision software.

Ansible tower is web based ansible that is that gives older version of ansible more strength and provide more tools like orchestration,security,provisioning , configuration management and many more.

Ansible tower gives you role based access control. You can correlate your ansible with many other cloud technologies like AWS, azure, gcp etc. We have performed one hands on in which we use the playbook as a template in Ansible Tower and provide credential authentication to AWS, once the parameters are satisfied we can launch the template. By this we have the complete VPC-Subnet Architecture on AWS with our EC2 instance provisioned.

We have also performed another hand on in which we sync our ansible tower with Slack and when we do any changes in our project then message is send on slack channel automatically via ansible tower.

It was really great experience. I feel very fortunate that I am part of this great initiative by Vimal daga sir and feels very excited for more upcoming experiences like this .

Thank you so much sir and LinuxWorld

